Hi 👋, my name is Adi Setiawan

Student | Front-end Developer

A 5th-semester student who focuses on studying web development

Kadek Adi Setiawan

About Me

Let's be friend!

Hi, my full name is Kadek Adi Setiawan, 20 years old. I am a student majoring in Information Systems and focusing on studying Fullstack developers (preferably Front-end).

The tech skills that I have are:

  • JavaScript (ECMAScript 6)
  • PHP
  • NodeJS
  • WordPress

Some of the Frameworks that I used are:

  • ReactJS (with ReactRouter)
  • ExpressJS
  • Bootstrap
  • TailwindCSS

Other things are:

  • Redux (React)
  • ContextAPI (React)
  • Sequelize (ORM)
  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • RestAPI Structure
  • Authentication and Authorization


Djitugo - Wordpress Developer (Internship)

Oct 2021 - Jan 2022

Become part of the Djitugo team, apprentice for 3 - 4 months. What I do here is accept requests from clients, discuss the design the client wants and design the website according to the client's wishes. The technology used is WordPress with the help of the Elementor plugin and directly hosted depending on the requests the client wants

Fiverr - Freelance

Nov 2021 - Now

Become a WordPress developer by using Elementor as a plugin. All the orders I get are designing or cloning websites according to the wishes of the clients


The projects that I made

These are some of the projects I've done myself

Simple Shop (ReactJS)

This project, there is a login (just dummy) and redirected to the dashboard where we can add items to the cart

Simple NoteApp (ReactJS)

This project is a project that can make notes then store them (no local storage/database) and we can also archive them

AniManga (ReactJS)

This project is a project using React Router and also data from API(external API). Here we can see various anime and manga

Simple TodolistApp (ReactJS)

This project is a product that can save and delete todolist then store them (no local storage/database)